一战爆发100年周年 西线无战事

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1914年8月,德军在施里芬计划的指导下,取道中立国比利时进攻法国,展开了残酷的西线战事。机关枪、坦克、毒气武器悉数在一战战场登场,加剧了西线战场的残酷程度,战争顷刻间变成屠杀。1914年到1918年,在西线战场牺牲的士兵超过七百万人,占到整个一战因战死亡人数70%以上。1928年,德国参战士兵雷马克发表了蜚声世界的小说《西线无战事》,描述一战西线战争的残酷,揭露其“绞肉机”的本来面目。 In August 1914, under the direction of the Schifen Plan, the Germans took the Belgian offensive against neutral France as a neutral nation and launched a brutal war on the Western Front. Machine guns, tanks, poisoned weapons all debuted in the battlefield of the First World War, exacerbating the cruelty of the western battlefield, and the war turned into a massacre in an instant. Between 1914 and 1918, over 7 million soldiers were sacrificed on the Western Front, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of deaths due to fighting in the entire First World War. In 1928, German soldier Remarke published the world-famous novel “No War on the West Line,” describing the cruelty of the Western War I in World War I and exposing the true features of its “meat grinder.”
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Jesse McCartney was bom on APril9,1987,in New York City. He enjoyed aeting from a very ear]y age and in 1994,at age seven,he was in a national tour of “The Ki
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临清市薛王刘扬水站,位于马颊沙右岸,建于1970年,装机2台260 kW,其中160 kW电动机1台,6160型柴油机1台,提水能力为1.83 m~3/s,担负着14个村庄的农业灌溉用水;设计灌溉面积14