吉林市政府办公厅文电处处长、《秘书》杂志特约撰稿人、通讯员郎一轮先生的新著《秘苑写真》已于2003年11月由吉林人民出版社出版。 《秘苑写真》是郎一轮先生继《秘苑探微》之后的第二本论文集。全书分“秘书思辨篇”、“公文写作篇”、“秘书情结篇”、“行政科学篇”、“集外篇”五个板块,收集论文44篇,合计18万字。刘耀国先生为该书写了序言。 该书汇集了作者近四年来在秘书工作和秘书科学理论研究方面的有关论文,采撷了作者自上世纪90年代以来在行政科学等领域进行探索的有关成果,记录了作者近二十年来秘书生涯的内心体验,是作者的一本人生、思想和文化写真集。
Jilin Municipal Government General Office Director of Culture and Radio, “Secretary” magazine special writer, correspondent Lang a round of the new “Secret Garden Photo” was in November 2003 by Jilin People’s Publishing House. Secret Garden Photo is the second collection of essays after Mr. Lang Yilun’s “Secret Garden Exploration”. The book is divided into “five chapters of the book”, “document writing”, “secretary complex”, “administrative science”, “collection of articles” five sections, collecting papers 44, a total of 180,000 words. Mr Liu Yaoguo wrote a preface to the book. The book brings together the author’s nearly four years in secretary work and secretary of scientific theory research papers collected the author since the last century 90 years in the field of administrative science to explore the relevant achievements of the author recorded the last two decades the secretary career The inner experience, is the author of a life, thought and culture photo album.