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引言1972年,霍姆斯(James S.Holmes)在《翻译研究的名与实》(The Name and Nature of Translation Studies)一文中首次勾画了系统的翻译学研究架构,这标志着翻译学作为一门独立学科的建立。随后在20世纪80年代末,翻译研究出现了文化转向,从传统的语言学研究范式转向了文化研究范式,从单纯以语言本身为研究对象转向探讨译文产生的政治、经济、意识形态等文化背景。苏珊·巴斯内特(Susan Bassnett)和勒菲弗尔(Andre Lefever)在合编的《翻译、历史与文化》(Translation,History and Culure)一书中,正式提出了“翻译的文化转向”的口号,开始研究翻译与权力、意识形态、诗学等的关系。然而, Introduction In 1972, James S. Holmes first outlined the systematic study of translation studies in The Name and Nature of Translation Studies, which symbolizes translation studies as a The establishment of independent discipline. Subsequently, in the late 1980s, a shift in culture emerged in translation studies, shifting from the traditional paradigm of linguistic studies to the paradigm of cultural studies, from a purely language-based study to a cultural background such as politics, economics and ideology . Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefever formally proposed a translation culture in Translation, History and Culure Turn "slogan, began to study the relationship between translation and power, ideology, poetics. however,