Strategic talent management

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  Abstract:Talent is most valuable resource in today's society. In a market economy with increasingly competitiveness, human resources has become the main subject of the competition. Only with an effective recruitment, scientific management, stimulated enthusiasm and creativity of employees, a company could protect the sustainable development ofan enterprise and enhance their competitive advantage.key words:talent; HR; strategic
  1.The main causes of talent loss in Enterprise
  In an increasingly competitive market economy, human resources has become the subject of the competition. How to attract and retain talents and how to discover and utilize their potentials have to be considered as a top priority of today's business leaders. Because human resources management is not in place for some companies, some issues have occurred, such as, insufficient resources, inappropriate organizational structure, under utilized employees, and most of all, the loss of key personnel. As a result, this phenomenon not only seriously hampered the further development and growth of a company, it also greatly impede the enthusiasm and initiatives undertaken by all sorts of talents to work for a company .
  In China, for example, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the shortage of talented employees is predicted to be one of the greatest barriers to current and future growth.
  Some businesses have severely restricted the economic development of our country due to their low efficiency and productivity. Improving the economic efficiency of enterprises is an urgent, on-going, and long-term fundamental task which requires policy making, reforms, and technological advancements. However, deepening reforms of enterprises, promoting technological progress, as well as improving organizational management have to rely on people. Only an effective workforce, as an organizational factor, could secure the performance of the above mentioned tasks that have been carried out. To some degree, human resource management determines the economic efficiency of a company.
  2.How to souring Talent
  Today, one of the greatest challenges facing these organizations is finding talented people who are needed to run their businesses.
  The principal question concerns itself with how an organization sources its talent.recruitment should be a define,controlled,rigorous maneuver to bring in the best and most appropriate candidates for the business. Organizations worldwide have come to realize that the knowledge,skills and abilities of their talented employees represent a major source of their competitive advantage.
  Career planning for employees is an important measure to motivate talented people to work hard for the development of a company. This requires each company to discuss the most possible career paths based on an employee's nature of work, job characteristics, personalities, professionalism, expertise, and other factors even from the beginning of the recruitment process. That is to say, a company should have every employee to plan for their career, make a connection between their personal goals and the objectives of the business, which will create a sense of belonging for all employees, nurture a human resources reserve, and lay a solid foundation of the backbone of a company's long-term growth.
  Meanwhile,Corporate culture is an intangible asset, wealth, and productivity. It is a source of strength for a company's long-term development. A harmonious corporate cultureis bound to play an active and invaluable role in the the sustainable development of a company. When a employee's value ??is consistent with a corporate's culture, he/she will be proud of one's job and become an integral part of the growth of an enterprise.Investment and accountability are at the heart of recruitment.sometimes, just as Oscar Wilde quipped,we seem to know “the price of everything and the value of nothing.”
  1.Bartlett, C. A., & Ghoshal, S. (1992b). Building competitive advantage through people.MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(2)
  2.Barlow, L. (2006). Talent development: The new imperative? Development and Learning in Organizations, 20(3).
  3.Lewis, R. E., & Heckman, R. J. (2006). Talent management: A critical review. Human Resource Management Review.
摘 要: 语言习得不同于语言学习。要习得语言,就必须通过i+1可理解输入(Krashen, 1982)。可理解输入是形成自身语言系统的关键。然而,输入过滤却往往成为二语习得者接受可理解输入的障碍,特别是情感过滤及认知过滤的影响更为突出。通过提供真实场景于综合英语课堂教学的任务型教学能最大程度上使课堂活跃而变得轻松,从而减少二语习得者的输入过滤而获得可理解输入进而一定程度上获得语言习得。  关键词
摘 要:随着新课程改革的推进,“以学生的发展为本”的教育理念已经深深地扎根于当代教师的教育理念之中,随之师生关系也发生了重大的变化。本文以合作学习英语教学模式为切入点,探讨英语课堂中师生关系的变化。  关键词:合作学习 师生关系 新课程改革  新课程改革倡导“以人为本”、“以学生的发展为本”,指出在对待师生关系上,强调尊重、赞赏学生;在对待教与学的关系上,强调帮助、引导学生。课堂教学由原来的
摘 要:对于现在的教育界来说,新课程改革已经是最热门的话题之一。而随着教学内容的不断增加,学生很难与教师的课堂教学产生共鸣。那么,如何使得学生能够乐于学习,构建高中英语教学的高效课堂呢,本文将从互动教学方面浅谈如何提升高中英语的教学有效性。  关键词:高中英语;互动;有效  一、互动式教学  (一)概念  也就是值得在教学的实际过程当中能够将教师与学生的主观能动性充分的发挥出来,从而让师生之间的
摘 要:中职学校英语教学与中学、大学的英语教学相比,有明显的差异。它作为一门基础学科。具有注重实用的特点。为满足新课程标准下的教学要求, 中职英语教学必须在增加学生信息量的获取及运用等方面进行研究。本文通过一组教学案例对任务型教学在英语教学中的应用和优势进行了分析。  关键词:新课程标准中职英语教学, 任务型教学  中职学校的办学宗旨是培养既有专业文化知识、具备一技之长,又能适应社会主义现代化建
摘 要:礼貌语言是人际交往中常见的一种语言现象。它体现了人们为维护和谐的人际关系所作出的种种努力,体现了道德或伦理意义的一项行为准则。1967年美国哲学家Grice提出了“会话含义理论”以及“合作原则”及其包含的四条准则:量准则,质准则,关系准则和方式准则。本文对国内外合作原则和礼貌原则的研究进行简要概述,并运用该理论进行交际礼貌语言的分析。  关键词:礼貌语言;认知;合作原则;交际原则  礼貌
Abstract:In the eyes of the sensible Englishmen, marriage has a strong connection with financial status. While holding this principle firmly, Jane Austen has a mature understanding. This essay analyze
摘 要:在小学英语课堂教学中,教师的课堂教学语言,是学生思维的主要导向,由此便要求教师的课堂语言必须具有高度的准确性、生动性、情感性、启发性和激励性,以达到课堂教学的有效和高效。  关键词:课堂教学用语 准确性 生动性情感性 启发性 激励性  英语教学中的语言艺术,就是指教师在实施教学的过程中充分发挥语言交流,这一积极的情感因素,针对不同教材内容,不同的教育对象,创设不同的教学情景,诱导学生无
摘 要:长期以来,农村中学英语教师的专业素质不仅是社会、政府和教育界比较关注的问题,而且也是大家认为比较难以解决的问题。本文以河南省某县级市××镇的一个初级中学校园的中英文宣传标语的英文翻译为例,通过分析,认为教师的专业素质固然重要,但更重要的是教师的责任感和主人翁意识。并在此基础上提出本文对农村中学英语教师培训的一些建议。  关键词:农村中学;英语教师;翻译  一、引言  在中国,从小学到大学
摘 要:通过多元智能理论,使教师对学生的评价从“单一”的纸笔测试中解放出来,注重对不同人的不同的智能的培养。其目的在于使学生能够在“智能展示”的过程中发现自我的价值,使教师通过这一过程更加充分了解和认识学生的不同潜能特征,从而把握和提供适合他们的教育途径和方法。  关键词:多元智能;英语教学评价;实例运用  多元智能理论的创导者加德纳所说;“时代已经不同,我们对才华的定义应该扩大。教育对孩子最大的
Abstract: The article discusses the importance of teaching cohesion in translation on the textual level. Test scores for a school year of Class One before and after teaching are compared to illustrate