我区种子园建设始于六十年代中期,后因“文化大革命”而中断,直到1972年《全国林木良种选育科技协作会》以后,才开始有组织、有领导地发展起来, 同先进省区相比,落后约十多年的时间。这些年来,由于林业部的具体支持以及各级林业部门和生产单位的共同努力,取得了一定成绩,据1982年末统计,已建立落叶松、油松、樟子松无性系种子园7000多亩,其中甘河上高台、旺业甸及黑里河等种子园的母树已经结实,并进行了后代
The construction of the seed garden in our district began in the mid-1960s and then ceased due to the “Great Cultural Revolution”. It was not until 1972 that after the “National Forest Tree Breeding and Breeding Science and Technology Cooperation Conference”, we started to develop organically and with leadership, Compared to the area, about a decade behind the time. In recent years, thanks to the concrete support of the Ministry of Forestry and the joint efforts of the forestry departments and production units at all levels, some achievements have been made. According to the statistics at the end of 1982, more than 7,000 mu of larch, Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus sylvestris seedlings have been established, Among them, the mother trees of Gaoxietai, Gaoyuntan and Heilihe, such as Gaoxietai, have been strong and have been descendants