这是湖北松滋人民广播电台电视部不久前播出的一条电视新闻: 画面:厂外小河边,一些工人在屏心静气地钓鱼,手里的杆子时起时落,脸上的表情怡然自得。与此同时,河对岸,这些工人赖以生存的工厂却在被迫变卖最后一批资产来抵亏损的债务。一队队愁眉苦脸的工人抬着电机、柴油缓缓从大门走出,装上卡车,眼巴巴地看着债权人把它们拉走……。音响:垂钓者时而哼出的小曲声,拆卸生产设备传来的的阵阵号子声和吊车的轰鸣声……解说:松滋县东阳河石灰厂因管理混乱,债务累累,最近松滋县人民法院依法对该厂执行以资抵债的判决。8卡车价值12万元的固定资产被债权单位拉走了,企业濒临绝境,人们忧心如焚,而这几位钓翁,
This is a TV news recently broadcast by the Songzi People’s Radio and Television Department in Hubei Province. Picture: Outside the small river beside the factory, some workers are quietly angling on the screen and the poles in their hands rise and fall with their faces on their faces contented. At the same time, factories on the other side of the river where the workers depend are being forced to sell the last assets to offset their debts. A team of frowning workers carrying the motor, diesel slowly out of the door, loaded on a truck, looked at the creditors blown away ... .... Audio: Angler occasionally hum a small song, dismantling production equipment came bursts of buzz and crane roar ...... Commentary: Songzi County Dongyang River lime factory due to management chaos, debt, the recent Songzi County People’s Court according to law on the implementation of the plant to offset the debt. 8 truck worth 120,000 yuan of fixed assets were taken away by the creditor units, companies are on the verge of extinction, people worried, and these few fishing Weng,