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2011年一季度,福建经济延续了2010年四季度以来的上升势头,开局良好,地区生产总值、工业增加值、固定资产投资、社会消费品零售额均保持较快增长,主要指标增速高于全国平均水平。但物价上涨加快、出口增长放缓等问题仍较突出。随着“防通胀”日益成为国家宏观调控的首要目标,未来政策环境趋于紧缩,预计福建省全年经济运行将“先升后降”:上半年延续前期上升势头,增长速度持续走高,通胀压力不断加大;随着宏观调控紧缩政策陆续出台,并发挥效力,经济将在年中达到景气顶点;下半年总需求回落,增长放缓,通胀压力也同步减缓;全年GDP增长速度与去年持平或略低,总体仍保持高增长。 In the first quarter of 2011, Fujian’s economy continued its upward trend since the fourth quarter of 2010 and started well. The retail sales of regional GDP, industrial added value, fixed asset investment and social consumer goods maintained rapid growth with the growth rate of major indicators being higher than National average. However, the acceleration of price increases and the slowdown of export growth are still outstanding issues. With the “anti-inflation” increasingly becoming the primary objective of the state’s macro-control and the policy environment is expected to be tightened in the future, it is estimated that the annual economic operation of Fujian Province will “rise first and then decrease”: the first half of the year will continue its upward trend and its growth rate With the macro-control tightening policy being introduced and playing its role, the economy will reach its peak in the middle of the year. In the second half of the year, aggregate demand will drop, growth will slow down and inflationary pressure will slow down simultaneously. The annual GDP The growth rate was at the same level as or slightly lower than last year, and the overall growth rate remained high.
近日,《河南省“十二五”科学技术发展规划》制定出台。《规划》提出,到2015年,河南省总体科技发展水平达到中西部地区先进水平,自主创新能力明显提高,科技创新支撑经济社会发展能力明显增强。  《规划》明确提出了今后5年河南省科技发展的八大目标。  一是突出战略重点,实现重大关键技术突破。最大限度地整合集成科技资源,以关键技术的突破推动传统优势产业改造升级和引领先导产业的形成发展。  二是加强自主创新