自杂交“水稻之父”袁隆平70年代育成了杂交水稻之后,整个世界发生了第二次绿色革命。但杂交稻制种程序繁杂,且价高,市场假种子多。如何能育成代代作种的无融合生殖稻成为许多育种家梦寐以求的心愿。中国农科院著名育种家陈建三研究员等专家已育成无融合生殖稻,实现了这个愿望。无融合生殖稻最大特点:除不需年年制种外,而且在米质、产量、抗性等方面均有很大突破。本文介绍的固优14号、红宝3号就属于无融合生殖稻。 1 固优14号 该品种由陈建三与湖北饶水佳合作育成。据笔者2000年作一季麦茬稻栽培试验,总结特征如下:该品种株高105cm左
Since the hybrid “rice father” Yuan Longping bred in the 70s hybrid rice, the entire world took place the second green revolution. However, hybrid rice seed production procedures complicated, and the price is high, the market fake seeds and more. How to breed apomictic hybrid rice from generation to generation has become the dream of many breeders. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a famous breeder Chen Jian-san researchers and other experts have bred apomictic rice, to achieve this aspiration. The most important feature of apomixis is that there is a great breakthrough in the aspects of quality, yield, resistance and so on, except that annual seed production is not required. This article describes the solid gifted 14, Hongbao No. 3 belong to apomixis rice. 1 Guoyou 14 The varieties by Chen Jian-San and Rao Shui good cooperation bred. According to the author in 2000 for a quarter of stubble rice cultivation experiments, summarize the characteristics are as follows: The variety height 105cm left