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1月11日至13日,水利部部长钮茂生一行深入治黄第一线,看望离退休老同志,走家串户,访贫问苦,调查研究,把党的温暖送给广大治黄职工。让大家过个好年11日上午,在黄委机关,钮部长一行看望离退休老同志,听取了他们对治黄工作、水利事业发展的建议,对有些同志提出的生活待遇问题,他指示,要进行调查研究,在政策允许范围内,实事求是予以解决。钮部长说,去年在广大职工的共同努力下,黄委取得了很大成绩。黄 From January 11 to January 13, Minister of Water Resources Niu Maosheng and his entourage went deeply into line with the Yellow Line, visited the retired veteran comrades, walked with each other in families, interviewed the poor, investigated and researched, and gave the party’s warmth to the general public . Let us all have a good year On the morning of the 11th, when the Yellow Committee and the Minister and his entourage visited the retired veteran comrades and listened to their suggestions on the work of governing the Yellow River and the development of water conservancy projects, he instructed some comrades to give treatment to their daily life. It is necessary to carry out investigations and studies and solve these problems in a practical way within the scope of the policy. Minister Niu said the Yellow Committee made great achievements last year with the joint efforts of the majority of workers. yellow
1 范围11 本标准规定了采用γ射线现场测定塑性和硬化波特兰水泥混凝土密度的方法。12 本标准包括二种测试方法:方法A 直接透射法第7章方法B 散射法第8章13 本标准采用
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