The improvement of China’s comprehensive economic strength has promoted the development of our country’s civil construction workers. Our country has a large population and abundant natural resources. However, subject to the long-term consumption and waste of resources in our country, our country’s reserves of resources have plummeted, seriously threatening the future development of China’s economic resources. Construction and development of workers and civilians need to use more resources to strengthen the sustainable development of workers and construction workers resources to establish suitable for China’s civil engineering and construction environmental protection and energy conservation program of development and gradually improve our country’s construction of integrated economic development and construction level, It is of great significance to the long-term development and stability of the workers and civilians. This article will be based on China’s civil engineering and construction energy-saving development of the technology to conduct an accurate analysis of China’s civil engineering and construction energy-saving development of specific methods to understand the importance of civil engineering construction workers energy-saving technologies to improve the construction of civil engineering and technical workers in China Development direction and improve the level of engineering and civil engineering in our country to improve the technical standards for energy conservation in civil construction with an effective civil engineering and construction program.