由于国民经济对铝的需求持续增长,铝及铝合金制品生产的高速度发展,而铝的制取和加工又需要消耗很大能量.因此,完善铝的熔炼工艺和熔炼设备的工作,无论在苏联或在别的国家,都具有广阔的前景. 对已经进行过的工作结果作一综合性的总结是非常必要的.目前在生产铝和变形铝合金半成品的工厂,以及处理铝废料的工厂,正在新建许多铸造车间,或对老车间进行改造.
Due to the continuous growth of demand for aluminum in the national economy and the rapid development of the production of aluminum and aluminum alloy products, the production and processing of aluminum consumes a great deal of energy. Therefore, to perfect the smelting process and smelting equipment of aluminum, The Soviet Union or other countries, has a bright future.A summary of the results of the work that has been carried out is necessary.At present in the production of aluminum and deformed aluminum alloy semi-finished products in the factory, as well as the processing of aluminum waste factory, Many new foundries are under construction or workshops are being renovated.