In the case of Suihua County, the economic development of Xinsheng Village after land reform is regarded as excellent, its economic development trend and the situation of labor mutual aid organizations can represent the whole county. The village has 408 households, two or 150 people. One, five two seven seven arable land, an increase of five over 1948. Four percent (including two percent in Hong Kong) is now no shortage of power. The number of male labor force stood at 36.65, representing a decrease of 22.7% over 1948. Each worker contributed an average of 4.2% of the cultivated land. There were 311 serving horses (horses), an increase over 1948 Seven-two percent, each animal an average of four seven 耕 farmland. In the past few years, under the leadership of the party and the government, there have been achievements in actively producing and developing the economy. We hereby set out the economic conditions in these reports: I. Development of Production: After the implementation of the land reform in 1947 and the liberation of the feudal bondage, production Over the years have significantly improved. From the increase of peasants’ income,