中国政府网的英文网站是国内外人士了解中国各项事业发展状况的窗口,外宣翻译工作在促进国际社会对我国的了解与合作,打造我国良好的国际形象,为国家发展创造良好的国际舆情环境等方面,发挥着重要的桥梁作用。而随着电子政务的发展,政府英文网站的建设成为我国的形象代言,因此,英文网站建设的质量直接关系到国家形象的树立。本文将以瑞士语言学家耶夫·维索尔伦(Jef Verschueren)提出的顺应论作为指导,在以顺应论视阈为研究背景下,如何探析出对外宣更有效的翻译方法以及翻译策略,并结合有代表性的例子进行分析,这样才能更好地提升译者自身的翻译水平,对以后外宣翻译的发展也有启示性的作用。
The Chinese website of the Chinese government website is a window for domestic and overseas people to understand the development of various undertakings in China. The work of foreign propaganda and translation work is to promote understanding and cooperation from the international community to our country, create a good international image for our country and create a good international public opinion for the country’s development Environment, etc., play an important role in the bridge. With the development of e-government, the construction of government English website has become the image endorsement of our country. Therefore, the quality of English website construction is directly related to the establishment of the national image. This article, guided by the Adaptation Theory proposed by the Swiss linguist Jef Verschueren, explores how to translate foreign languages into more effective translation methods and translation strategies under the background of adaptation theory, Combined with representative examples to analyze, in order to better enhance the translator’s own translation level, and also play an enlightening role in the future development of foreign propaganda translation.