肾移植患者由于长期应用激素及免疫抑制剂 ,使机体免疫功能低下 ,故而并发结核感染。近年来我院连续收治肾移植术后并发粟粒性结核患者 2例。现结合文献分析报告如下。1 病历简介 例 1:男 4 8岁。因慢性肾炎、尿毒症于 1991年在我院行血液透析治疗 ,1992年接受同种异体肾移
Due to the long-term use of hormones and immunosuppressive agents, renal transplant patients with immune dysfunction, it is complicated by tuberculosis infection. In recent years, our hospital consecutive cases of renal tuberculosis complicated by miliary tuberculosis in 2 cases. Now combined with the literature analysis report is as follows. 1 medical records brief introduction Example 1: Male 4 8 years old. Due to chronic nephritis, uremia in our hospital hemodialysis in 1991, allograft in 1992