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香港回归祖国,从总体上和长时段看,一定会实现平稳过渡,顺利交接,成为中华民族历史上一页辉煌的成功记录。但从短期局部看,不免遇到一些麻烦,这也是可以预见的。因为香港孤悬海外一百多年,形成了一种东西方融合的制度、法律和文化传统。国内在过去历史发展的基础上,经过了社会主义改造,也形成另一种制度和文化新传统。两种传统汇合之际,两种制度下思维方式和生活方式有着巨大的差异,可能出现磨擦,是可以理解的。对各种在过渡时期发生的问题,要有思想准备,要面对难题而不回避,耐心谨慎地做好工作。只要坚决维护《基本法》,依法治港,坚持“一国两制”和“港人治港”,就一定会走向共同繁荣。 麻烦可能出现,但只要重视,做好工作,就不可怕。香港不同利益群体及其政党的存在,可以看作是一种人们相互的制 Hong Kong’s return to the motherland will, as a whole and over a long period of time, surely achieve a smooth transition and smooth handover and become a brilliant success record in the history of the Chinese nation. However, from a short-term perspective, it is inevitable that some troubles will be encountered. This is also foreseeable. Because Hong Kong is liaising overseas for more than 100 years, it has formed an institutional, legal and cultural tradition of integration between the East and the West. On the basis of past historical development in China, after the socialist transformation, China has also formed another system and a new cultural tradition. At the time of the convergence of the two traditions, there is a huge difference in the way of thinking and the way of life under the two systems. It is understandable that there may be friction. For all kinds of problems that have occurred during the transitional period, we should be mentally prepared, do not hesitate to face difficulties, and work patiently and cautiously. As long as resolutely safeguarding the “Basic Law” and governing Hong Kong according to law, and adhering to the principle of “one country, two systems,” and “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong”, we will surely move toward common prosperity. Trouble may arise, but as long as the importance and do a good job, it is not terrible. The existence of different interest groups and their political parties in Hong Kong can be seen as a system of mutual respect for people
将构建的含有pET30a/hsBLyS重组质粒的BL21 (DE3)菌种,在含硫酸卡那霉素的平板培养基划线连续传代至 100代 100代次菌种经显微观察,为典型的革兰氏阴性大肠杆菌,生化特性没