番茄新品种“金冠十二号”是以自交系08B94为母本,自交系09BT278为父本配制成的番茄一代杂种。植株为无限生长类型,第6~7节着生第1花序;成熟果实粉红色,无绿果肩,扁圆形,硬度高,耐贮运,平均单果质量187g,可溶性固形物含量4.2%;耐低温弱光,连续坐果能力强,平均每667m~2产量6 000kg,田间表现抗烟草花叶病毒病、叶霉病;适宜辽宁、河北、山东等地保护地种植。
The new tomato variety “Golden Delicious Twelve” is a tomato hybrid with the inbred line 08B94 as the female parent and the inbred line 09BT278 as the male parent. The plants were of unlimited growth type with the first inflorescences in the sixth to the seventh stalks. The mature fruit was pink, greenish and without shoulder, oblate, with high hardness and storage resistance. The average fruit weight was 187g and the soluble solids content was 4.2% Low temperature and weak light, continuous fruit set ability, the average yield of 6 000 kg per 667m ~ 2, the field of anti-tobacco mosaic virus disease, leaf mold; suitable for Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and other places of planting.