提高认识 加大力度 切实加强新形势下行业思想政治工作

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随着金融体制改革不断向纵深推进,金融商业化面临着许多重大研究课题,行业思想政治工作同样面临着新的挑战,笔者就中国银行加强行业思想政治工作谈点粗浅认识。一、要充分认识改革开放时规思想政治工作的亚要性、紧迫性,不断增强抓好思想政治工作的责任感。今年初,中央和 As the reform of the financial system continues to push forward in depth, the commercialization of finance is facing many major research topics and the ideological and political work in the industry is also facing new challenges. The author gives a superficial understanding of the Bank of China’s efforts to strengthen ideological and political work in the industry. First, we must fully understand the subjectivity and urgency of ideological and political work during the reform and opening up period and continuously enhance our sense of responsibility in carrying out ideological and political work. Earlier this year, the Central Government and
企业家欲驾驭好企业的命运之舵,除了出主意、定方略、带队伍之外,还必须掌握好统御之道,其关键是在人力资源管理中点好将、用好兵。为此,就现代企业人力资源管理中点将用兵的几个误区,以及企业领导在实践中选才用人的几种不良倾向,阐述己见,引以为戒。    戒律一:优才劣用 压抑能人    企业领导者不要怕下属超越自己。“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”,企业才能后继有人,兴旺发达。一些优秀人才往往个性突出,优点很多,缺点