CARR Project Progressing in 2010

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvyuxuan3652008
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On the basis of the stage commissioning and improving the safety rod last year, the test of the new safety rod driving systems in CARR showed that the performance and technical parameters met all the requirements of the design and the acceptance standard. Then CARR passed the safety On the basis of the stage commissioning and improving the safety rod last year, the test of the new safety rod driving systems in CARR showed that the performance and technical parameters all all the requirements of the design and the acceptance standard. Then CARR passed the safety
为了进一步提高学生的思想道德素质,我校开展了“小学生道德认领与实践”这一活动。现将活动中的一些做法及感悟变成文字,与大家分享。  一、主题引路,广开言路  本次活动的主题是“小学生道德认领与实践”。道德,不是嘴上说的,而是要亲自付诸实际行动的。于是,我利用周四的班会,进行了一个启动仪式。首先我把實验方案给学生读了一遍,然后,引导学生根据自己自身的不足之处,给自己确定一项努力改进的缺点。我首先给自己
1、引言轻质墙板是我国近年来发展起来的一种新型的墙体材料.种类比较多,如 GRC 板、陶粒隔墙板、玻璃网增强石膏板、硅镁板、夹芯复合板等,与传统的墙体相比,具有重量轻,保
The class B radiochemical laboratory was rebuilt in 2011, the areas of laboratory is about 120 m2 with four partitions, which includes White, Green, Orange and
1 Introduction In order to ensure more reliability in reactor running,different passive shut-down systems have been studied in recent years.One method uses ma
某工程主厂房屋面面积为40000m~2,屋面保温层除常规要求外,并有耐热要求,原设计为泡沫砼100mm 厚(后拟用1:10水泥膨胀珍珠岩80mm 厚).这些传统的做法,施工时材料浪费严重,污