发挥科技优势 加快产业步伐

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我所始建于1958年,是中苏技术合作项目之一。经过30多年的努力,逐渐形成了具有自己特色的多专业、综合性的“三基”(基础技术、基础材料、基础元件)研究所,共获得了600多项科研成果,在某些领域曾独占鳌头。随着科技体制改革的深化,特别是在邓小平同志南巡谈话精神的鼓舞下,我所审时度势,决定走“发挥科技优势,加快产业步伐”的道路。在具体实施上分三个阶段,抓好三个环节。一、抓好观念转变,为科研产业化做好思想准备几十年的计划经济,使人们养成了一种一切依靠国家的思想。这种旧思想在实行科技体制改革以后仍根深蒂固,旧的观念与新的举措反差很大。如在分配上,各部门实行承包,按收提奖,奖金拉开差距,年奖有的多至几万元,有的少至几百元,甚至分文不得;在工作上有些部门实行优化组合,有些人被列入 I was founded in 1958 and is one of the Sino-Soviet technical cooperation projects. After more than 30 years of hard work, it has gradually formed a multi-professional, comprehensive “three basics” (fundamental technology, basic materials, and basic components) research institute with its own characteristics, and has obtained more than 600 scientific research achievements, in some The field once dominated. With the deepening of the reform of the science and technology system, especially inspired by the spirit of Deng Xiaoping’s speeches on the South tour, I examined the situation and decided to take the road to “giving play to scientific and technological advantages and accelerating the pace of the industry.” In the specific implementation, it is divided into three phases and three links are well grasped. First, do a good job of changing concepts, and prepare for the scientific research industrialization. The planned economy for decades has led people to develop an idea that all rely on the state. This old idea is still ingrained after the implementation of the reform of the science and technology system. The old ideas and the new measures are quite different. For example, in the distribution, various departments implement contracting, according to the receipt and award, the bonuses open up the gap, the annual awards are as much as tens of thousands of yuan, some as little as several hundred yuan, and even the text is not allowed; some departments in the work implement optimization Combination, some people are included
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