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高等院校的实验室是教学、科研、生产的实体,是进行理论联系实际的基地。实验课是培养学生独立工作能力的重要环节,特别是农业技术师范院校培养目标是为农业中学输送专业课师资。要求学生不仅牢固掌握基础知识,还要有独立操作的技能。因此,加强实验室的建设,实行科学管理,提高实验课的质量,是提高教育质量的重要组成部分。加强实验室的建设和管理工作是当前教育改革的重要课题之一。据统计,我院目前有实验室58个(不含校属实验室)。现有专职实验技术人员25名,实验工人5名,共30名。占实验室总数的51.5%,的实验室还没有专人管理。现有人员中有相当一部分人,不愿做实验室的工作,要求改变系列。原因是多方面的,但其中主要的是有些 The laboratories of institutions of higher learning are the entities for teaching, scientific research, and production, and are the bases for connecting theory with practice. The experimental class is an important part of cultivating students’ ability to work independently. In particular, the goal of the training of agricultural technology teachers’ colleges is to deliver professional teachers for agricultural middle schools. Students are required not only to have a solid grasp of basic knowledge, but also to have independent skills. Therefore, strengthening the construction of laboratories, implementing scientific management, and improving the quality of experimental courses are important parts of improving the quality of education. Strengthening the construction and management of laboratories is one of the major issues in current education reform. According to statistics, there are currently 58 laboratories in our hospital (excluding the school’s laboratories). There are 25 full-time experimental technicians and 5 experimental workers, totaling 30. At 51.5% of the total number of laboratories, the laboratories have not been managed. A considerable portion of the existing staff are reluctant to do laboratory work and require changes in the series. The reasons are many, but the main ones are some
蒙特利尔本土的餐馆设计,其中的灵感源自自身的文化,也全面吸收了其他文化。它保留了历史设计的痕迹,与现代设计形成强烈的对比。 Montreal native restaurant design, whic
解气筒?你一定会感到奇怪,应该是“出气筒”才对。怎么回事?不错,我确实是个高质量的“解气筒”。“真是的,妍妍啊,干吗不再多 Gas cylinder? You will feel strange, it sh
你应该知道的    要想保持口腔卫生,每天至少要用10分钟刷牙,并且使用牙线清洁牙齿。然而成年人的平均刷牙时间大概是两到三分钟,孩子们则做得更加糟糕。  ——乔尔斯拉文,牙科学博士,全科牙医,加利福尼亚州瓦伦西亚  当人们第一次见到你时,他们关注的首先是眼睛,其次是牙齿,然后才是头发。但人们花在头发上的钱显然比在牙齿上多。  一达米安·塔卓斯基,牙医学博士,全科牙医,宾夕法尼亚州霍舌姆  在大部分
20 0 2年 10月 2 8- 30日 ,在江苏省江阴市双良集团 (财富排行超亿元私营企业 )召开了由江苏自然辩证法研究会承办的第二届苏、沪企业创新与发展学术研讨会 ,与会者有江苏和
有一天,在放学回家的路上,我看见菜地里有一只可爱的小蜗牛,就把它带回了家。小蜗牛很可爱,它有一个光滑 One day, on the way home from school, I saw a cute little snai
如图,先在大圆里画两个相外切的并分别与大圆内切的大小相同的小圆。然后,在两个小圆中再画上符合上述 As shown in the figure, first draw two large circles and cut the