宁夏有这样一个文艺团体,她从一个小省走上全国的大舞台,领取了国家级舞台艺术的最高奖;她离开了喧嚣的都市,毅然走进乡村和学校演出,一演就是20年;她跑遍了宁夏的乡乡镇镇、大、中、小学,行程总计60余万公里,观众达600万人次,被农民兄弟们亲切地称为咱们的“大篷车”……她就是宁夏话剧团。送戏下乡二十载真情涌动大篷车现在的宁夏话剧团在国内文艺界声名远扬,但是她也和许多文艺团体一样,有过进退维谷,甚至险遭解散的困难时期。 80年代初是话剧团最艰难的岁月。1983年全剧团一共才演了8场戏;1984年剧团彩排一台新戏时,千余人的大剧场只有两名观众……严酷的现实使话剧团的领导意识到,话剧团已经到了非改革不可的时候了。宁夏和全国一样,农村人口占了绝大多数,这就意味着剧团的大部分观众在农村。能不能从有戏没人看的城市转向有人没戏看的农村?剧团领
Ningxia has such a literary and art groups, she went from a small province to the country’s big stage, received the highest award at the national stage art; she left the noisy city, decided to walk into the country and school performances, a performance is 20 years; She traveled all over the towns and villages in Ningxia, large, middle and primary schools, with a total of more than 600,000 kilometers of travel and 6 million viewers. It was affectionately called “Caravan” by peasant brothers ... She is Ningxia Repertory Theater. Twenty years have passed since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Nowadays, the Ningxia Repertory Theater is famous in the domestic literary and art circles. However, like many literary and art groups, Ningxia Repertory Theater has had a difficult time of retreat and retreat. The early 80s is the most troublesome years of Repertory Theater. In 1983 the troupe played a total of 8 games; 1984 repertory rehearsal a new show, more than a thousand people in the theater only two spectators ... harsh reality so that the repertory theater leaders realized that Repertory Theater has reached a non-reform The time is up Ningxia, like all other parts of the country, has the vast majority of rural population, which means that most of the theater’s audience is in rural areas. Can not be seen from the city no one to see the countryside to see the play?