“Yan’an Spirit into the campus ” is far-reaching, imperative. We, the old comrades of Yan’an period, must be the promoters and practitioners of Yan’an’s spirit. First, how Yan’an Spirit came into being and formed Comrade Hu Jintao said: “Yan’an has a very important position in the history of the Chinese revolution. During the revolutionary war, the older generation of revolutionaries such as Comrade Mao Tse-tung worked and lived here for 13 years. Yan’an Spirit has been nurtured along the banks of the river. ”So, what contribution has Yan’an made to China’s revolutionary history in the 13 years? I think it can be summed up in three main parts: 1. In Yan’an, establishing the first Marxism in China A Theoretical Result - Mao Zedong Thought. 2. The Communist Party has matured here and becomes a strong Marxist political party. 3. The revolutionary cause was rapidly developed in Yan’an. To win the ultimate victory of the new-democratic revolution, the establishment of a Chinese