The method of analyzing the vibration response of complex structures with the body model as an example is discussed. The purpose of the analysis is to identify plates that make a key contribution to the sound pressure of the vehicle’s sound field. In order to do this, the near-field acoustic holography (NAH) based on the least square method of Helmholtz equation is used to reconstruct the vibration and noise response of the structure surface by using the sound pressure measurement results of the surface in any shape. Firstly, the surface normal vibration velocity and the surface acoustic pressure distribution were reconstructed. Secondly, the relationship between the surface acoustic intensity distribution of the component and the acoustic power flow of each component and the sound pressure at any point in the vehicle was calculated. The relative contribution of each component to the point of sound pressure in the vehicle depends on the flow of sound power from the plate to that point. Using only a set of sound pressure measurements based on HELS near-field acoustic holography, the structural noise of the plate can be analyzed and the relative contribution of the plate can be studied. The analysis results of this paper have been proved by the test results. The verification test is carried out in a full anechoic chamber.