Assignment for “Foreign Language Education:Concepts,Theories and Issues”Answer Sheet

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  Students’ Severe Lack of Reading in Foreign Language Education.
  I will start my essay with my own son. He is seven years now and he has read like 300 hundred original English picture books. I started to guide him to read simple picture books when he was only three. What delights me most now is that he can speak very fluent English with correct grammar which the Chinese learners take most care of. Now he doesn’t need me to teach him to read as he can pick a book freely from the bookshelf and read continually without any interruption. The brief introduction of my son is the prelude of my essay topic – students’ severe lack of reading in foreign language education.
  In many second or foreign language teaching situations,reading receives a special focus. There are a number of reasons for this. First,many foreign language students often have reading as one of their most important goals. They want to be able to read for information and pleasure,for their career,and for study purposes. In fact,in most EFL situations,the ability to read in a foreign language is all that students ever want to acquire. Second,written texts serve various pedagogical purposes. Extensive exposure to linguistically comprehensible written texts can enhance the process of language acquisition.(Jack C.Richards,Willy A. Renandya,2002)Given the portability of books and other reading materials(as well as the increasing availability of reading material over the Internet),reading is gradually being recognized as a valuable source of language input,particularly for students in learning environment(as in some EFL contexts)in which fluent speakers of English are generally not available to provide other kinds of language input.(Marianne Celce-murcia,2001)Even in those courses that may be labelled “reading”,your goals will be best achieved by capitalizing on the connection between reading and other models of performance,especially the reading-writing relationship.
  Primary school English reading issues outside the classroom
  With the development of the times,English has become a popular language and English education is very important in our education system. With this development trend,primary school English education plays an extremely important role in current teaching. However,it has a lot of issues in primary school students' English reading.
  1. Ignorance of extracurricular reading
  At present,in primary school English teaching,teachers often ignore English extracurricular reading teaching and lack guidance for that. Students lack correct guidance during reading,which leads to the failure of extracurricular reading. In English teaching,the corresponding extracurricular reading practice arrangement is not sufficient. In the specific teaching,due to the improper schedule of extracurricular reading,the curriculum setting is not reasonable,which leads to the failure to implement the extracurricular reading teaching.   2. Insufficient reading materials for English education in primary schools
  In primary school English teaching,teachers only teach basic pronunciation of English and the understanding of basic words. Only by mastering these foundations can we learn dialogue and text. There are very few suitable materials for primary school students to read. The choice of reading materials is also inappropriate. Therefore,the actual English extracurricular reading teaching could not be carried out effectively and the effect was not good.
  1. Knowledge Obstacles
  1.1 Vocabulary obstacles
  Vocabulary deficiency is the main reason which affects reading level. Because of the understanding of words directly affect the understanding about the sentences. Dictionary with a large vocabulary contains as many as 200,000 entries. But common college students usually master 5,000 to 8,000 words. It is simply a drop in the bucket. What’s more,some scientific and technical terms as well as catchphrase continually appear on reading paper. It is no doubt that these situations add the difficulty to English reading. The range of vocabulary is so narrow that students cannot understand the meaning of articles when they meet new words,they feel confused and moreover,some of them would count on dictionary or e-dictionary,which either wastes lots of time or the meaning they doesn’t necessarily meet the one in the context. Lack of vocabulary is not only influence the correct and comprehensive comprehension about the whole test,but also affects readers’ interest and independence.(李俊,2003)
  1.2 Grammar Obstacles
  In the process of English learning,the grammar knowledge is also indispensable. The complicated words,sentences and sentences compose to discourse. This is the function of grammar. Because of the difference in syntax  language habits and customs of the culture,English grammar and Chinese grammar also exists great differences. Lack of grammar knowledge would certain affect the quality of reading comprehension. Especially when encounter with the clause,sentences and complex sentences,but also need to analyze the sentence structure to understand the meaning of the sentences. For example,when there are long sentences or difficult sentences in reading material,usually students can not find out the central words,they can not divide the elements of sentence and can not understand the meaning of sentence if they do not have the strong grammar knowledge.
  [1]  David Nunan(2004),Practical English Language Teaching
  [2]  H.Douglas.Brown,(2007),Teaching by Principles
  [3]  Jack C.Richards,Willy A. Renandya,(2002),Methodology in Language Teaching
  [4]  Marianne Celce-murcia,(2001),Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language
  [5]  Penny Ur. A Course in Language Teaching:Practice and Theory.Cambridge University Press,2000.8.
摘 要:本文首先分析了目前高职在培养具备多个专业方向复合知识的创新型高技能人才培养中的主要困难,然后从学生创新思维形成规律和教学组织改革两个方面提出了解决问题的两个立足点,对高职院校的相关实际做法进行了汇总,探索提出了需要突破的几个方向和比较有效的解决方法。最后阐述了进行多专业融合创新型人才培养的意义。  关键词:多专业融合;创新型人才培养;教学基层组织  目前培养创新型高技能人才已经成为高职教育
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摘 要:视觉传达设计最重要的是视觉语言,要用文字、图形、色彩等视觉语言来传达某种情感。视觉传达设计现在强调多元化需求,不少设计者将民间艺术形式或要素引入视觉传达设计,提升了视觉传达设计的境界。从视觉传达设计的角度来说,民间艺术可以算是一种视觉语言元素,运用民间艺术元素,对于视觉传达设计具有重要意义。因此,文章首先探索了视觉语言,进一步探索了视觉传达设计中如何融入民间艺术,以提高视觉传达设计的效果。
摘 要:在线教学教师最为关心的是能否保证学生的学习质量和学习效果?在线教学最好的状态是学生积极互动、认真完成作业、师生配合默契。但是大部分老师认为最大的挑战是无法看到学生们的即时反馈,难以进行教学效果监测。而同时学生们是否对网络教学质量满意?如何来提升学生在线学习的质量?  关键词:在线教学;教学质量;学生满意度  一、项目简介  根据国家教育部颁发的《关于切实做好新型冠状病毒肺炎的疫情防控通知》
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摘 要:理查德·赖特的小说《土生子》在20世纪深受美国读者青睐,其主要原因在于作品塑造了一个全新的黑人形象——别格·托马斯。本文将从社会制度、经济状况和家庭环境三个主要层面来分析主人公别格性格的形成原因,从而进一步探析造成他的悲剧命运的根源。  关键词:《土生子》;赖特;别格;性格  纵观美国的历史,种族歧视问题源远流长,渗透在社会的方方面面。从1619年第一个非洲黑人被带到美国开始,罪恶的奴隶制
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摘 要:随着时代的发展与进步,人们的思想也在发生转变,人们的创意也在增加,大学生作为一个特殊的群体,也依托互联将自己的创意表达出来,近年来校园创意动画短片在不断发展,不仅促进大学生的发展对于我国的动画产业也不断注入新鲜血液。为了能更深入了解校园创意动画短片的发展,本文将深入了解动画短片的制作与创意,从而促进我国整个动画的发展,对于经济文化产业的振兴具有促进作用。  关键词:校园创意;动画短片;制作
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