
来源 :台湾研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuspecial
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日据时期,台湾总督府为加强对台湾社会的控制,实行了“皇民化运动”。“日本殖民者在台湾实施‘皇民化运动’,是一场对殖民地人民的强制同化运动,它严重侵犯了台湾同胞的生命财产和自身利益,日本殖民者妄图把台湾人塑造成对他们俯首贴耳的畸形‘日本人’。他们的倒行逆施,对于广大的台湾同胞来说,只能引起强烈的不满和反抗。”随着日本的战败,这一运动最终以失败而告终。长期以来,海峡两岸的学者对这一运动都给予了不同程度的关注,也出现了不少的研究成果,但多着眼于“皇民化运动”本身及其危害,而对台湾民众对“皇民化运动”的抵制则较少涉及,笔者试图对此进行粗浅的探讨。 During the Japanese occupation period, in order to strengthen the control over Taiwan society, the Taiwan Government Government implemented the “imperial civilized movement.” “The Japanese colonialist’s implementation of the” imperial civilization movement “in Taiwan was a forced assimilation movement toward the colonial people. It seriously violated the lives and property of Taiwan compatriots and their own interests. The Japanese colonists attempted to portray Taiwanese people as” Bowing deformity “Japanese.” Their perverse actions, for the majority of Taiwanese compatriots, can only cause strong dissatisfaction and resistance. “With the defeat of Japan, the campaign eventually ended in failure. For a long time, scholars on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have given different degrees of attention to this movement. Many achievements have been made in this movement. However, most of them focus on the ”movement of the civilized people“ and their harm. However, ”Emperor of civilized movement " boycott is less involved, the author attempts to discuss this superficially.
一樊骏先生不愿做老师,却破例收我为访问学者。对此,我能做出的解释是:出于对一个有志于学术研究的边疆青年的同情。我时常感念与庆幸:跟随樊老师是我一生的福分。 A Mr. Fa
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