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经过近一年的紧张施工和精心准备,近日,佳宝乳业新建第二牧场正式投入使用。这标志着迅猛发展的佳宝乳业在自有奶源基地建设的进程中,迈出了重要一步。佳宝第二高产奶牛繁殖基地是在佳宝工业园投产后产能巨大、产品供不应求的情况下破土兴建的。新二牧自去年夏天着手兴建,去年秋天就完成了青贮工作。整个牧场占地500余亩,可饲养奶牛近5000头,规划整齐,南北三条笔直的道路,与东西正门大道相接,一排整齐自动化牛舍,气势磅礴。与佳宝老二牧相比,现代化的新二牧具有其无法比拟的优势。首先,在地理位置上,它坐落于长清区南部平原,这里不仅没有工业污染,而且还拥有充足的饲草饲料资源。其次,在场区绿化上,新二牧最突出的特点是围绕牛舍大量种植树木。这不仅起到美化环境、清新空气的调节生态作用,而且还可以在炎热的夏天为牛只遮荫蔽阳,起到防暑降温的作用。再次,新二牧的建设从牛舍设计、整体布局,到喂养模式、挤奶设备都达到国际先进水平。饲养方法与传统形式有了根本变化,优选出的高产奶 After nearly a year of intense construction and careful preparation, recently, Jiabao Dairy newly established second ranch officially put into use. This marks the rapid development of Jiabao Dairy in the process of building its own milk source, has taken an important step. Jiabao second high-yielding dairy cow breeding base is Jiabao Industrial Park put into operation after a huge capacity, the product is in short supply under the ground-breaking construction. The new animal husbandry and animal husbandry started construction last summer and completed silage work last autumn. The entire ranch covers an area of ​​more than 500 acres, can raise nearly 5,000 dairy cows, neatly planned, north and south three straight roads, and the main gate is connected, a row of neat and automatic barn, magnificent. Compared with Jiabao’s second husbandry, the new modern two animal husbandry has its incomparable advantages. First, geographically, it is located in the southern plains of Changqing District, where there is not only no industrial pollution but also abundant fodder resources. Secondly, the most prominent feature of the new animal husbandry in the green area is the massive planting of trees around the barn. This not only serves to beautify the environment, clean air conditioning ecological role, but also in the hot summer shade for cattle cattle Yang, play a summer cooling effect. Third, the construction of the new two animal husbandry from the cowshed design, the overall layout, to the feeding mode, milking equipment have reached the international advanced level. Feeding methods and traditional forms have been fundamentally changed, the preferred high-yield milk
建立健全案件问责追究制度,监管重心由“管事”为主转向管人与“管事”并重,这是监管发展的必然,也是建立防范案件风险长效机制的内在要求。 Establishing and perfecting a
近几年,受到政策倾斜的旅游地产在云南发展得如日中天,很多房企“借旅游地产之名,行卖房获利之实”的做法在业内也成为公开的秘密。  而在这场攻城掠地的激烈竞争中,旅游地产前期投入较高、培育周期较长的桎梏愈发暴露,不少房企叫苦不迭。据报道,去年7月,云南城投就曾因被认为去化前景不乐观,而使其向民生信托融资40亿元的计划泡汤。  这不禁让人联想到,上世纪90年代,旅游地产扎堆的海南曾一度陷入泡沫破灭的“风
(摇头晃脑状)saturday,星期六,星期六,saturday……  哎呀,这么明媚的早上,让你这烦人的念经声给破坏啦!  老叔,你才在念经呢,我这是在记单词,记单词!  记单词?摇头晃脑、摆屁股地记单词?谁教你这么妖娆地记单词的方法啊?怎么样,好记吗?记住几个啦?  什么妖娆啊?老叔,你怎么这样黑我啊?今天英语老师教了有关“星期”的单词,我在努力背诵呢!  有关“星期”的单词?这么简单,你至于