几十年前,美国职业体育主要由运动员或曾参与运动的人经营,他们的兴趣更多地放在纯体育上,商业运作只是第二位的。到了80年代职业体育的操作人变成完全不同的一群人,他们出身商人或律师,在他们眼中,体育首先是商品,其次才是竞技。布鲁斯·麦克诺(NHL董事会主席,洛杉矶国王队拥有人) 暴力充斥,管理混乱,没有一家电视台购买转播权,却有数不清的肮脏交易——这就是10年前NHL(北美冰球联盟)给人们的印象,还好,麦克诺的出现改变了这一切。 1988年,麦克诺斥资1千5百万美元,从埃德蒙顿·奥勒斯手里买下洛杉矶国王队,接着他又不可思议地把天王巨星韦恩·格拉斯基招至麾下。仅过了不到5年,国王队的身价就在麦克诺手中增加了3倍,成为当地除了好莱坞外又一个焦点。 1992年,各俱乐部老板选举麦克诺为NHL董事会主席。新上任的麦克诺扮演了救世主的角色,扼制了罢工风潮,缓和了劳资矛盾,并大展宣传攻势,一时之间,NHL成为职业体育的宠儿。圣路易斯蓝调队老
Decades ago, professional sports in the United States were run mainly by athletes or people who had been involved in sports. Their interest was more on pure sports and commercial operations were second only. By the 1980s, the operators of professional sports became completely different groups of people, born of merchants or lawyers. In their eyes, sports were commodities first, and sportsmanship second. Bruce McNorrow, chairman of the NHL board and owner of the Los Angeles Kings, is in a state of violent, chaotic management that does not have the power to buy broadcast rights on a single TV station but has countless dirty deals - the same thing NHL (Hurricane Hickory Union) told people 10 years ago The impression, but fortunately, the emergence of McNerney changed all this. In 1988, McNerhen spent 15 million U.S. dollars buying the Los Angeles Kings from Edmonton Magnus, and then he incrediblely casts superstar Wayne Grasssky under his command. Only less than 5 years later, the King’s team’s worth in the hands of McNaught increased 3 times, as the local outside of Hollywood another focus. In 1992, each club boss elected McNaught as NHL chairman. The new McNeron played the role of the savior, curbed the strike wave, alleviating the labor-management conflicts and promoting the publicity campaign, for a time, NHL became the darling of professional sports. St Louis blues team old