目的探索实行网络直报以来,宜宾市乙类传染病的发生、流行情况及其变动趋势,为科学制定防控措施提供依据。方法采用描述性研究方法,对宜宾市2004~2010年乙类传染病疫情数据进行分析。结果宜宾市7年间共报告乙类传染病18种,发病63896例,死亡233例,年均发病率为185.61/10万,年均死亡率为0.68/10万。结论 7年间宜宾市乙类传染病发病总体呈下降趋势,肠道传染病仍然是防控工作的重点,艾滋病、肺结核、梅毒的发病和死亡呈上升趋势,应加以关注。
Objective To explore the occurrence, epidemics and changes of infectious diseases of Class B in Yibin since the implementation of direct online reporting, and provide the basis for scientific prevention and control measures. Methods A descriptive method was used to analyze the epidemic data of infectious diseases in Class B in Yibin from 2004 to 2010. Results A total of 18 B-type infectious diseases were reported in Yibin during the past 7 years. The incidence was 63,896, with 233 deaths. The average annual incidence was 185.61 / 100,000 and the annual average death rate was 0.68 / 100,000. Conclusions The incidence of B infectious diseases in Yibin generally shows a downward trend in 7 years. Intestinal infectious diseases are still the focus of prevention and control work. The incidence and mortality of AIDS, tuberculosis and syphilis are on the rise. Attention should be paid to this.