1 制种地的选择首先,选择土壤肥沃,地势平坦,排灌方便,集中连片的中上等地。忌下湿地、沙板地、低产田。其次,玉米生育期内需水量大,气温又高,蒸发量大,因此必须选择有充足水源,排灌方便的地块。对于利用河水浇灌的河套地区,更应该注意排水问题,否则轻者造成苗期涝害,影响产量;重者影响及时去雄,导致制种失败。第三,要考虑制种玉米亲本的生育期及当地的有效积温范围;尽
First, the choice of seed production First of all, select the fertile soil, flat terrain, irrigation and drainage convenience, concentrated contiguous middle ground. Avoid wetlands, sand plate, low yield field. Secondly, during the growth period of corn, the water demand is large, the temperature is high, and the evaporation is large. Therefore, it is necessary to choose plots with sufficient water sources and convenient drainage and irrigation. For the use of water hectares irrigated areas, drainage problems should be even more attention, otherwise light caused by seedlings waterlogging damage, affecting the yield; severe adverse effects in time to male, resulting in the failure of seed production. Third, we must consider the growth of seed production of maize and local effective accumulated temperature range;