,Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Cross Flow Over a Cantilevered and Longitudinally Vibrating Cir

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuuldor
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The multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method (MRT-LBM) is implemented to numerically simulate the cross flow over a longitudinal vibrating circular cylinder.This research is carried out on a three-dimensional (3D) finite cantilevered cylinder to investigate the effect of forced vibration on the wake characteristics and the 319 effect of a cantilevered cylinder.To meet the accuracy of this method,the present calculation is carried out at a low Reynolds number Re = 100,as well as to make the vibration obvious,we make the vibration strong enough.The calculation results indicate that the vibration has significant influence on the wake characteristics. When the vibrating is big enough,our early works show that the 2D vortex shedding would be locked up by vibration.Contrarily,this phenomenon would not appear in the present 313 case because of the end effect of the cantilevered cylinder.
A simple method to realize both stabilization and shift of the frequency in an exteal cavity diode laser (ECDL) is reported.Due to the Zeeman effect,the saturat
黑娃看电影,最恨叛徒。只要是叛徒,就没有一个好下场。  可偏偏,他却成了“叛徒的儿子”。  黑娃看电影,最恨叛徒。只要是叛徒,就没有一个好下场。  可偏偏,他却成了“叛徒的儿子”。  黑娃爸在公社当武装部长,一身黄军装,腰里掖着盒子炮,很威风。  黑娃在学校就也威风,动不动就说:“你们要听我的。我爸有盒子炮!”  同伴们都很敬佩他,羡慕他有一个好爸爸。  小刚却说:“黑娃你甭威风,你爸归我爸管呢。
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