1 临床资料某型轰炸机同机组飞行人员4名,均为男性,年龄25~45岁,飞行总时间152~3657 h。2003年4月17日11∶23执行昼简飞行任务。飞行高度7500 m、速度750 km/h,突然领航员头顶座舱玻璃发生粉碎性爆破,驾驶员身旁玻璃裂开一条15 cm 宽的缝隙,座舱内瞬间充满白烟,噪声急剧增大,机组人员均感觉呼吸困难、胸部闷胀、耳胀、耳鸣、听力减弱,但神志清醒。遂报告地面指挥员,用6min 下降至3900 m,速度减至600 km/h,各人症状均有所减轻。13∶21返回本场,安全着陆。查体:1人面色苍白,2人右耳鼓膜Ⅰ度充血,3人左耳鼓膜Ⅱ度充血,均未发生鼓膜穿孔。自述腹部胀气明显。初步诊断为高空胃肠胀气、肺挫伤、航空性中耳炎。立即送医院做高压氧治疗。因未出现其他异常症状,11d 后
A clinical data of a bomber flight crew with the crew 4, are men, aged 25 to 45 years old, the total flight time 152 ~ 3657 h. April 17, 2003 11:23 AM Day flight mission. Flight altitude 7500 m, speed 750 km / h, sudden pilot cabin glass smashed blasting, the driver side of the glass split a 15 cm wide gap, cockpit full of instant white smoke, the sharp increase in noise, the crew All felt dyspnea, chest bulging, swelling, tinnitus, hearing loss, but conscious. The ground commander was then reported, descending to 3900 m in 6 min and reduced to 600 km / h in speed, alleviating symptoms in each individual. 13:21 return to the scene, a safe landing. Physical examination: 1 pale, 2 right ear eardrum Ⅰ degree congestion, 3 left eardrum Ⅱ degree congestion, were not tympanic membrane perforation. Self-reported abdominal flatulence obvious. Initial diagnosis of high-altitude flatulence, pulmonary contusion, aviation otitis media. Immediately to the hospital for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Because no other abnormal symptoms, after 11d