In order to apply the inverse time offset to the pre-frame, finite offset data obtained from the velocity-variable medium, the standard (zero-hour) imaging conditions need to be generalized because each point in imaging space has one or Multiple different imaging times. The extended imaging conditions are known as excitation time imaging conditions, where each point is imaged at the one-way trip from the source to the point. The inverse time migration with imaging time with excitation time consists of three parts: (1) the calculation of the imaging conditions; (2) the extrapolation of the recorded wavefield; and (3) the determination of imaging conditions. The determination of imaging conditions at each point in the image is achieved by ray tracing from the source point, which is equivalent to extrapolation of the source wavefield in the medium. The recording wavefield extension is realized by the finite difference algorithm. Each step in FD extrapolation is accomplished by extracting the amplitudes at the imaging time grid points from the propagating wavefield and adding them to the corresponding spatial locations in the imaging space. The trajectory of all the pixels in the same time step is a wavefront (isochronous or isochronous trajectory). The above prestack migration algorithm is a commonly applicable algorithm. Among them, the excitation time imaging conditions apply to a variety of shots - Geometrical Geometry and variable speed media, and when applied to zero-offset surface data can be completely reduced to the commonly used zero-hour imaging conditions. The algorithm has been applied to the synthesis and VSP data. As a result of the most significant and potential applications of synthetic data, the horizontal fluid interface in the reservoir can still be imaged when the reservoir boundaries are not well imaged.