1 314名四川省肺癌筛查及早诊早治项目地区肺癌高危人群的戒烟率从基线时的22.37%增至筛查后的41.78%(χ2=227.97,n P<0.001),持续吸烟者的吸烟量从20支/d降至15支/d(n t=11.76,n P<0.001);肺癌筛查中出现阳性结果者更倾向于戒烟或持续保持戒烟状态,男性、年龄较小、教育程度较低将增加持续吸烟或复吸的风险(n P<0.05)。n “,”The smoking cessation rate of 1 314 people at high risk of lung cancer in the area of lung cancer screening and early diagnosis and early treatment in Sichuan Province increased from 22.37% at baseline to 41.78% after screening (χ2=227.97, n P<0.001), and the smoking amount of persistent smokers decreased from 20 cigarettes per day to 15 cigarettes per day (n t=11.76, n P<0.001). Those with positive results in lung cancer screening were more likely to quit smoking or continue to quit smoking. Male, younger age or lower education level would increase the risk of continuous smoking or relapse (n P<0.05).n