众包的商业模式正向我们走来,你做好准备了吗?众包(CrowdSourcing)一词最早由杰夫·豪(Jeff Howe)在2006年6月美国《连线》(Wired)杂志上提出“:一个公司或机构把需执行的工作任务,以自由自愿的形式外包给非特定的大众网络的做法。这种任务的酬劳多半是无偿或者很少。在绝大多数案例中,众包都是业余人士或者志愿者利用他们的空闲时间创造内容、解决问题、甚至从事以前一般是公司才做的研发工作。”
Crowdsourcing's business model is coming to us and are you ready for it? The term CrowdSourcing was first introduced by Jeff Howe in the June 2006 issue of Wired magazine Proposed “: A company or agency to the implementation of the tasks to be performed, in a voluntary form of outsourcing to the non-specific public network approach. Most of the remuneration for such tasks are free or very few. In the vast majority of cases, the public Packs are where amateurs or volunteers use their free time to create content, solve problems, and even engage in research and development that was previously generally done by the company. ”"