
来源 :中国应急管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwen8431071
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[编者按]近年来,北京市委、市政府高度重视应急管理工作,坚持“人民生命财产高于一切,首都安全责任重于泰山”的宗旨,将应急管理工作作为践行科学发展观、做好“四个服务”、提高执政能力的重要内容,开拓创新,统筹规划,以提升能力为核心,以加强预防为重点,以体系建设为抓手,妥善应对各类突发事件,在重大活动期间、重要时期、重点节假日有效发挥了应急服务保障作用,不仅为维护首都安全稳定与构建和谐社会首善之区作出了突出贡献,而且为全国应急管理工作创新发展发挥了较好的带头和示范作用。本期我们走进北京,与各界读者分享北京市全面加强应急管理工作的创新做法和经验。 [Editor’s note] In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to emergency management and adhered to the principle of “people’s lives and property are above all else and the responsibility for safety in the capital is greater than that of Taishan”. Taking emergency management as the basis for practicing the scientific outlook on development, We should do a good job in “four services”, enhance the important contents of governing capability, blaze new trails and make overall plans, focus on enhancing our capabilities, focus on strengthening prevention, take system construction as the starting point and properly handle all kinds of emergencies, During major events, important periods and key holidays effectively played the role of emergency service support. They not only made outstanding contributions to safeguarding the security and stability of the capital and building a harmonious society, but also played a good role in leading and demonstrating the innovation and development of the national emergency management work effect. This issue we walked into Beijing and shared with readers from all walks of life in Beijing to comprehensively strengthen emergency management innovation and experience.
根据《保健食品管理办法》的规定,中药保健饮品是指以中医药理论为指导,在天然食物中加入卫生部颁布的既是食品又是药品的可食药材。$$    随着气温的日益走低,秋燥引发的各