患者,女,67岁,因右侧肢体麻木,活动障碍2天,于1988年1月18日入院。患者入院前1天,午睡时突然感觉右侧体麻木,随之活动障碍,上肢不能高举握物,下肢着地无力、不能行走。临床诊断为脑血栓形成,高血压并冠心病.入院后给予5%葡萄糖500ml 加入维脑路通400mg 静脉点滴,2月5日,在静脉点滴维脑路通时,突然感到头昏、胸闷、气促、小便失禁。查体,BP80/40mm,意识模糊,面色苍白,肢厥,心率60次/分,心音低钝,律不齐。考虑为急性心肌供
The patient, female, 67 years old, was numbed on the right side for 2 days and was admitted to hospital on January 18, 1988. Patients admitted to hospital one day before, suddenly felt nocturnal nap when nap, followed by mobility disorders, upper limbs can not hold high, the lower limbs weakness, unable to walk. Clinical diagnosis of cerebral thrombosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.After admission to give 5% glucose 500ml join Venoruton 400mg intravenous drip, February 5, intravenous intravenous Venoruton, suddenly felt dizzy, chest tightness, Shortness of breath, urinary incontinence. Physical examination, BP80 / 40mm, confusion, pale, limbs, heart rate 60 beats / min, low heart sound blunt, irregular. Considered as acute myocardial supply