The Bible contains the Song of Solomon that is made by King Solomon (961-932 BC or 965- 931 BC), and five poems by Zhao 鸾 鸾 (AD 8007), a poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, are rich in women Physical description. “Song of Solitude” and Chinese Tang poetry belong to two very different types of poetry. Typing this different poems comparatively helps us to understand the commonalities and differences between Hebrew poetry and Chinese poetry in the Grand World Cultural Landscape. It is therefore far-reaching. In the five poems of “The Complete Tang Poems” Volume 802 “The Well-Known Poets Zhao 鸾 鸾 ”, the description of the female body is confined to five parts of the human body: Yunpi, Liumei, Tankou, Xianzhi and Crispbones. On the one hand, the poet successfully reveals her body to the reader. However, poets are incapable of transcending the boundaries between individuals and the public. On the other hand, such poems written by Zhao Kuih-t’ao are rare in ancient Chinese literature. In contrast, “Song of Songs” is used to describe the part of the book La Mi Nv, but it is a grand system with plenty of room for improvement. This is the book La Mi Nv, she is both a symbol of rich land, but also like a goddess. Laramie was also praised by her groom: “I love you, how gorgeous you are! How beautiful are you!” (Song 4: 7) Obviously, the theme of “Song of Solomon” should be a love with sacred marriage . Book La Mi female image, is so love and the United States in the poetry of the concrete expansion.