各位委员、各位同志:自去年七月西北军政委员会第二次会议后,这七个多月以来,我们做了很多工作,在剿匪、肃清特务、巩固革命秩序方面,在巩固财政理济工作的统一管理和统一领导方面,在调整公私关系、劳资关系方面,在改造干部思想作风方面,在改善文化教育工作方而,在加强民族团结方西,都获得了很大的成绩,使全境社会秩序普遍安定下来, 进行各项民主改革和建设事业创造了有利条件。特别是去年十月以后,开展了抗美援朝运动,加强了镇压反革命的工作,在七百余万人口地区进行
Dear members and comrades: Since the second meeting of the Northwest Military and Political Committee in July last July, we have done a lot of work in these seven months and have done a lot of work in consolidating financial and economic work in the suppression of bandits, the removal of secret agents and the consolidation of the revolutionary order In the aspect of unified management and unified leadership, in terms of adjusting relations between public and private sectors and labor and capital, we have made great achievements in reforming cadre and ideological style while improving the work of culture and education and in strengthening the party’s unity. The social order has generally settled, creating favorable conditions for various democratic reforms and construction. Especially since October last year, the “Movement to Resist U.S.A-Korea” and the “DPRK-Aid Korea” Movement have been intensified and the work of repressing counter-revolution has been intensified in more than 7 million population areas