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邓旒号乐天,福建邵武县北乡书坛村人。擅长幼科,尤精麻、痘。嘉庆年间曾在广东学种痘术,回福建为戚友接种,是我省种牛痘预防天花的推广者。暮年辑其生平心得,著《保赤指南车》一书。子邓幌及曾孩邓镠均能继承其志。《保赤指南车》全书共分十卷。第一至三卷属麻科,对麻疹叙述颇详,很重视预防,提倡初生儿服“免疹丹”预防麻疹。其法:将脱落的脐带,放新瓦上培至烟尽,取起放地上存性,研细。另用朱砂末(水飞过),如脐带五分,则加入朱砂二分五厘,用生地、当归身煎浓汁,以一二蚬壳调和,自辰至晚,分数次涂母亲乳头,令儿吮之。在治疗方面,有“麻科八十款治法”,包括麻疹开始而至恢复期的种种调治方法和后还症的处理,内容颇为完备。此外如主张麻初发热,常服葱白汤及用升麻葛根汤加葱白,苏叶、灯心,可以透疹;创芫荽糟外擦法(芫荽、葱白、酒糟共捣成饼,蒸热,绢袋包,遍身摩擦)以治疹出不快等,均为切身经验。 Deng Hao, Lotte, was a member of the book village of Beixiang, Shaowu County, Fujian Province. Good at young families, especially fine hemp, pox. During the Jiaqing period, he used to learn pox surgery in Guangdong and returned to Fujian as a friend to inoculate. This is the promoter of the prevention of smallpox in Yunnan province. In the following year, he wrote his book “Guaranteing Guide Car”. Both Deng Shi and Zeng Zi Deng can inherit his aspirations. The book “Guarantee Guide Book” is divided into ten volumes. The first to third volumes are numismatics, which describe the measles in detail, attach great importance to prevention, and promote the prevention of measles in newborn children taking “Lishidan”. The law: the umbilical cord will be shed, put on a new tile until the smoke is exhausted, take the place on the ground, study. Another use of vermilion cinnabar (water fly over), if the umbilical cord is five minutes, then add cinnabar two-fifth, use raw land, angelica fried gravy, one by two oyster shell to reconcile, from e-to-night, the fraction coated mother’s nipples, so children Awkward. In terms of treatment, there are “Matsu Section 80 Governing Laws”, which include various treatment methods for the start of measles and recovery period and the treatment of autism. The content is quite complete. In addition, such as the beginning of Ma fever, often serving the light blue and white soup Tongma Pueraria Tonga light blue, Su Ye, wick, you can go through the rash; create a rub outside the glutinous rice method (yaki, light blue, distillers into a cake, steamed hot, 绢 bag , Friction around the body to cure rash, etc., are all immediate experience.
【方药】蜈蚣5~7条;香油5两。【制法】将每条蜈蚣头身用针刺15~20个小孔,浸入香油中,以埋没为度,时间10~15天。【用法】用棉花或棉签蘸油涂患部,每日3~4次。 [Prescription] 蜈
应用芝蕉枯痔液(以下简称“芝蕉”)治疗痔核是我院中西医结合科研成果之一。对其药物组成、生产工艺等有关方面简要整理如下:一、处方及处方分析 The application of Bacte
兔毛蒿是我省地产草药,据报导原植物系西伯利亚艾菊Tanacetum sibiricum L.别名兔子毛、线叶菊、疗毒花、惊草等。药用全草,性味苦寒,具有清热解毒,抗菌消炎,安神镇惊,调经