Socio-economic and Environmental Implications of the Hydroelectric Projects in Uttarakhand Himalaya,

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kj30fjgh
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This paper deals with detailed analysis of the fiasco created by the Tehri High Dam in Uttarakhand, India, particularly in terms of resettlement and rehabilitation of the local inhabitants. Aspects pertaining to the environmental issues are also discussed. Currently, the river valleys in Uttarakhand state of India are the targets of increasing hydroelectric projects. Virtually all rivers are being exploited for generating environmental friendly power. Having being learned the hard lesson from Tehri Dam, it has been decided to opt for such schemes in which comparatively little submergence and tempering with the fragile eco-systems is involved.However, our observations suggest that even in such schemes if due care is not taken they may turn out to be a failure. This paper deals with detailed analysis of the fiasco created by the Tehri High Dam in Uttarakhand, India, particularly in terms of resettlement and rehabilitation of the local inhabitants. Currently, the river valleys in Uttarakhand state of India are the targets of increasing hydroelectric projects. Virtually all rivers are being exploited for generating environmental friendly power. Having been taught the hard lesson from Tehri Dam, it has been decided to opt for such schemes in which comparatively little submergence and tempering with the fragile eco-systems is involved.However, our observations suggest even that in in such schemes if due care is not taken you may turn out to be a failure.
一  我的好朋友鲨鱼之所以叫鲨鱼,是因为他姓于,脖子上又长了浅浅的三条鳃状疤痕。  关于他脖子上那三条疤痕,说法众多,有人说是他小时候淘气,自己在脖子上拉的。有人说是他爸爸长年在海上捕鱼,有一回触怒了一头鲨鱼精,便在儿子的身上得到了报应。也有人说这是一种很奇怪的病,这孩子恐怕活不到二十岁。  鲨鱼今年二十七岁了,看来至少最后一种说法是不攻自破了。  我从来没问过鲨鱼关于他脖子的问题,不是因为我不好