一般人总以为《石头记》① 的内容 ,写的是曹雪芹个人的身世遭遇 ,所以从《石头记》开始流传之后 ,就有许多关于作者和小说内容的猜测与传闻。自从胡适开启了所谓“新红学”的研究途径之后 ,“自传说”甚嚣尘上 ,关于作者的家世的考证工作 ,持续了七十多年而不曾稍歇。当然也有人否定自传说 ,认为书中所写不过是寄托民族大义 ,与曹雪芹本人的身世背景 ,关系并不密切。但在曹家各类资料档案、《石头记》各种手抄本陆续出现的今天 ,这种说法已经成为聊备一格的异说 ,无法否定曹雪芹及其家族与《石头记》内容之间错综复杂、密不可分的关系。现在我们要问 ,《石头记》究竟是不是一部以曹雪芹早年生活为背景 ,带有自传性质的小说呢 ?纵观七十多年来的“红学”研究 ,问题似乎不像大多数研究者看的那样简单。本文的目的 ,就是想依据曹氏家族的史料 ,以及《石头记》一书的内容、抄本中的批语 ,重新检视所谓的“自传说”
Most people always think that the content of “The Stone Note” ① is written by Cao Xueqin as a personal experience of his own life. Therefore, there are many speculations and rumors about the contents of the author and novels since the publication of The Stone Note. Since Hu Kai opened up his research path of so-called “new redology,” “autobiography” has been rampant. The research on his family history has lasted for more than seventy years without any stopgap. Of course, some people also deny their own autobiography and think that what they have written in the book is nothing but the sustenance of the nation’s righteousness is not closely related to Cao Xueqin’s own life background. However, all kinds of data files in Cao, and various manuscripts of “Shi Ji Ji” appear one after another, which has become a talk of different styles and can not deny the complexities between Cao Xueqin and his family and the content of “The Book of Stones” , Inseparable relationship. Now we have to ask whether “The Story of the Stone” is not a novel with a autobiographical character set in the early years of Cao Xueqin’s life. Looking at the “Redology” in the past seventy years, the problem does not seem to resemble that of most researchers Looked as simple. The purpose of this article is to revisit the so-called “autobiography” based on the historical data of the Cao family and the contents of the book Shitouji,