“军无粮则亡,兵马未动,粮草先行。”粮食是日常生活的重要物质,是战斗力的一个组成部分。因此,吃皇粮更要珍惜军粮。 1.抓教育——要知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。党的十一届三中全会之后,部队粮食定量标准随着国家粮食形势的好转也相应提高。这时,有的同志认为当兵吃皇粮,不愁没饭吃。对此,要加强思想教育,引导大家算细帐来提高滴水汇成河、粒米堆成山的认识,增强从我做起,从点滴入手的珍惜军粮的观念。 2.抓供应——军民共建,同当“粮草官”。
“Without food, the army will die, troops will not move, and forage will go first.” Food is an important material in daily life and an integral part of its combat effectiveness. Therefore, to eat imperial grain but also treasure the military grain. 1. Grasp education - to know Chinese food, grain are hard. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the troop-level food grain standard has also been correspondingly improved as the national grain situation improves. At this time, some comrades think that when they eat imperial cereals, they can not afford to eat anything. In this regard, we should strengthen our ideological education and guide everybody to count on fine accounts to raise awareness of dripping water into rivers and granulating rice into mountains and enhance the concept of cherishing the military grain starting from me. 2. Grasp the supply - military and civilian build together, with the “forage officer.”