岁末年初,在梳理过去一年的所有事情的时候,沉淀在人们脑海里的往往是几个关键的词汇,纵横交错, 将之串在一起,就构成了一年间的印象图画。对于2005年的北京也是如此,有看似无形的体制改革,润物无 声,影响至深;有举目可及的有形建筑,大气磅礴,装点着这个城市。在此,我们选择了20个北京市2005年 经济发展中出现频率最高、最为受人关注的关键词,希望能够透过它们描绘出北京投资领域发展变化的大致 轮廓。根据这些关键词所处的不同层面,我们将之概括成五个类别:宏观视野、大事件、投资软环境、地产 调控、奥运商机。需要说明的是,囿于篇幅和视野,这些词仅仅是北京发展改革洪流中的一些小水滴,希望 人们透过这些小水滴,能够感受到洪流的巨大力量!
The end of the year, the beginning of the year, combing everything in the past year, the people’s minds are often a few key words, criss-cross, string together to form a year of impressions. The same is true for Beijing in 2005, with seemingly intangible structural reforms, moisten things, affecting the deep; have visible and tangible buildings, magnificent, decorate the city. Here, we have chosen the 20 most frequent and most popular keywords in Beijing’s economic development in 2005, hoping to draw a rough outline of the development and changes in Beijing’s investment area through them. According to the different levels of these keywords, we summarize them into five categories: macro vision, big events, investment soft environment, real estate regulation and control, Olympic business opportunities. It should be noted that these words are merely small droplets in the torrent of development and reform in Beijing, due to space limitations and horizons. We hope that people will feel the tremendous power of the torrent through these small droplets!