西部大开发作为一项系统工程 ,要取得成功必须走依法开发的道路 ,政府的总体决策以及开发过程中将会面临的问题是我们立法选择的依据。文章认为必须将可持续发展确立为西部大开发立法的重要原则 ,在此基础上提出了建立《西部开发促进法》、《西部资源利用法》、《西部生态环境保护法》等法律、法规的构建设想
As a systematic project, the development of the western region must follow the road of development according to law. The overall government decision-making and the problems to be faced in the development process are the basis for our legislative choice. The article holds that sustainable development must be established as an important principle of legislation for the development of the western region. On the basis of this, it is proposed that the laws and regulations of the “Western Development Promotion Law”, “Western Resources Utilization Law” and “Western Ecological Environment Protection Law” Build ideas