评委会以接近全票的绝对多数,评定《正义之声》(新华社李学仁摄)、《新婚诀别》(广东公安报周晓辉摄)两张照片分获第六届中国新闻奖一等奖。 评选结果宣布后,评委中几位来自高等院校的教授重又拿起获奖照片,一边仔细观赏,一边交口称赞:一等奖,当之无愧;精彩瞬间定格所产生的魅力实为电视所不及,即使在电视进一步发展之后,也代替不了新闻摄影。当我得知作如此评价的正是从事电视教学的专家,一种被理解的快感油然而生。 判断一张新闻照片是否优秀的标准,主要看它的新闻价值、形象价值和记者完成拍摄过程的艰难程度。这是本届评委的共识。《正义之声》纪录了江泽民主席去年5月9日在莫期科出席反法西斯战争胜利50周年盛会,发表演说的历史
The jury scored the first prize of the Sixth China News Prize for two pictures, “Voice of Justice” (Xinhua News Agency Photo by Li Xueren) and “New Wedding Farewell” (Guangdong Public Security News photo by Zhou Xiaohui), approaching the absolute majority of votes. After the announcement of the selection results, several judges from institutions of higher learning picked up the winning photos again and paid close attention to them while praising them: the first prize was well-deserved; the charm created by the wonderful moment freeze was actually beyond the reach of the television even if After the further development of the TV, it can not replace the news photography. When I learned that it was the expert who was engaged in teaching TV, the pleasure of being understood came into being. Judging whether a news photo is an excellent standard depends mainly on its newsworthiness, image value and the difficulty of the reporter in completing the filming process. This is the consensus of the judges. The Voice of Justice documents the history of President Jiang Zemin’s speech at the 50th anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war at the MO on May 9 last year