Fault plane parameters of Sanhe-Pinggu M8 earthquake in 1679 determined using present-day small eart

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2007
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The great Sanhe-Pinggu M8 earthquake occurred in 1679 was the largest surface rupture event recorded in history in the northern part of North China plain. This study determines the fault geometry of this earthquake by inverting seismological data of present-day moderate-small earthquakes in the focal area. We relocated those earthquakes with the double-difference method.Based on the assumption that clustered small earthquakes often occur in the vicinity of fault plane of large earthquake, and referring to the morphology of the long axis of the isoseismal line obtained by the predecessors, we selected a strip-shaped zone from the relocated earthquake catalog in the period from 1980 to 2009 to invert fault plane parameters of this earthquake. The inversion results are as follows: the strike is 38.23°, the dip angle is 82.54°,the slip angle is-156.08°, the fault length is about 80 km,the lower-boundary depth is about 23 km and the buried depth of upper boundary is about 3 km. This shows that the seismogenic fault is a NNE-trending normal dip-slip fault,southeast wall downward and northwest wall uplift, with the right-lateral strike-slip component. Moreover, the surface rupture zone, intensity distribution of the earthquake and seismic-wave velocity profile in the focal area all verified our study result. The study determines the fault geometry of this earthquake by inverting seismological data of present-day moderate-small earthquakes in the focal area. We relocated those earthquakes with the double-difference method. Based on the assumption that clustered small earthquakes often occur in the vicinity of fault plane of large earthquake, and referring to the morphology of the long axis of the isoseismal line obtained by the predecessors, we selected a strip-shaped zone from the relocated earthquake catalog in the period from 1980 to 2009 to the inverted fault plane parameters of this earthquake. The inversion results are as follows: the strike is 38.23 °, the dip angle is 82.54 ° , the slip angle is-156.08 °, the fault length is about 80 km, the lower-boundary depth is about 23 km and the buried depth of upper boundary is about 3 km. This show s that the seismogenic fault is a NNE-trending normal dip-slip fault, southeast wall downward and northwest wall uplift, with the right-lateral strike-slip component. Moreover, the surface rupture zone, intensity distribution of the earthquake and seismic-wave velocity profile in the focal area all verified our study result.
《工程造价管理》杂志由建设部主管、中国建设工程造价管理协会主办。《工程造价管理》及时提供权威的工程造价政务信息、经济信息 ,及时介绍造价工程师执业资格考试、培训、
晚wǎn餐cān之zhī后hòu,凉liánɡ风fēnɡ入rù户hù。母mǔ偕xié①女nǚ,院yuàn中zhōnɡ乘chénɡ凉liánɡ。母mǔ讲jiǎnɡ故ɡù事shi,女nǚ在zài旁pánɡ听tīnɡ之zhī②。手shǒu挥huī小xiǎo扇shàn,为wèi③母mǔ驱qū蚊wén,乐lè而ér忘wànɡ倦juàn④。  ——选xuǎn自zì《国ɡuó民mín老lǎo课kè本běn》  
Astrup于1977年首先提出缺血半暗带(Ischemic Penumbra,IP)的概念。以后的研究提示,局灶性脑缺血损伤的结果不只取决于血流阈值。在半暗带内发生的一系列病理变化,局部脑血
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