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交城县城内完全小学校始创于1904年,是华国锋的母校,其拥有一支经验丰富并富有朝气的师资队伍。一百多年来,从这里走出了许多熠熠生辉的优秀学子。随着新教学楼的落成,校园环境发生了翻天覆地的变化,教学设施不断改善,图书室、仪器室、实验室、音乐室、美术室、多媒体教室等专用教室一应俱全。如今,校园环境优美,设施设备齐全,融古韵与现代气息为一体。教学楼、奎星楼、吕祖阁、百年老柳与华陵、华国锋故居交相辉映,形成具有历史价值的旅游景点。一百多年的办学传统,积淀了城内完小丰厚的文化底蕴, Jiaocheng county complete primary school was founded in 1904, is Hua Guofeng’s alma mater, which has an experienced and energetic faculty. For over a hundred years, many brilliant students have emerged from here. With the completion of the new teaching building, the campus environment has undergone tremendous changes, teaching facilities continue to improve, library, instrument room, laboratory, music room, art room, multimedia classrooms and other specialized classrooms. Today, a beautiful campus environment, facilities and equipment, financial rhyme and modern flavor as a whole. The teaching building, Kuixinglou, Lvzu Pavilion, Hundred Years Old Willow and Hualanting, Hua Guofeng’s former home add radiance to each other, forming a historical value of tourist attractions. More than a hundred years of schooling tradition, the accumulation of a small city rich cultural heritage,