First, the symptoms in the protected areas and open field production conditions cucumber production, often appear melon melon, melon, melon, melon, etc., sometimes appear bitter melon. Second, the etiology 1. melon melon produce melon melons have physiological or physical reasons. Physiologically due to malnutrition, thin plants caused, such as lack of light, temperature, improper water management, or water loss in the early stage of normal Guazhu, late Guazhou inadequate water supply, or injured roots, pests and diseases caused. Especially high temperature, or day and night temperature difference is too large too small, less light, low temperature and other conditions prone. Some of the flowering ovary showed a curved state, with the growth of young fruit grow more bending, melon melon occurred in the earliest or last ear more. In addition, the female flower or young fruit is covered by shelves and stems and other shade or clip length