Myostatin is a major factor involved in the regulation of skeletal muscle protein mass. High myostatin levels have been associated with an increase in myotube s
Lipofuscin-like pigments (LFPs) are highly oxidized cross-linked aggregates of oxidized protein and lipids which are formed under oxidative state conditions by
Seasonal variations play an essential role in the metabolism, behavior and activity of the laboratory animals. This study was aimed to examine whether mitochond
Oxidative damage and redox metal homeostasis loss are two contributing factors in brain aging and widely distributed neurodegenerative diseases. Oxidative speci
去宜兴竹海,一起去的,有北京来的著名作家柳萌,还有我的战友和宜兴的朋友。 离开都市,你就能感觉到什么是春天,高速公路两边的桃红柳绿,金黄金黄的油菜花让人心境无比灿烂,我们一路亲昵着春天,一路说笑,很快就到了竹海。还没进大门,已经看到好多好多翠竹,细细的,密密的,秀气的,灵动的,漫山遍野,婀娜多姿。进景区的大门很有特色,仿木、仿竹的框架结构,上有宜兴籍艺术大师吴冠中题写的“宜兴竹海”四个遒劲的大字