呕吐是临床常见症状之一,也是预告某些危重病人的信号。其病因复杂,容易误诊误治.因此,诊治呕吐病人不可掉以轻心。在临床工作中,马虎处理呕吐患者而使病情恶化,甚至死亡者,也屡见不鲜。有一42岁的女性患者,因呕吐频繁,无尿一天,于1986年9月30日下午6时来院。值班医生简单询问了病史及体检,则按“急性胃炎并脱水”收入住院治疗。病房医生根据门诊的诊断,略作检查之后,即按“急性胃炎并脱水”治疗,立即禁食、快速静脉滴注3∶2∶1溶液1500ml 加庆大霉素24万 u,10%
Vomiting is one of the common clinical symptoms, but also the signal of some critically ill patients. The etiology is complex, easy to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Therefore, patients with vomiting should not be taken lightly. In clinical work, sloppy treatment of vomiting and deteriorating patients, and even death, are not uncommon. A 42-year-old female patient came to hospital on September 30, 1986, at 6 p.m. due to frequent urination and an anuria one day. On-duty doctor simply asked the history and physical examination, according to “acute gastritis and dehydration” income hospitalization. Ward doctors diagnosed according to the clinic, after a little examination, according to “acute gastritis and dehydration” treatment, fasting, rapid intravenous infusion of 3: 2: 1 solution 1500ml plus gentamicin 240000 u, 10%